Saturday, August 06, 2005

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead

Funny title for this week's post, huh?

This past Friday (August 5th) was my last day at HP. I am no longer an HP employee; after almost 13 years, the ride is over. I have no regrets, and harbor no ill-feelings toward the company or the people I have had the pleasure to work with there.

It's a milestone in terms of getting on with the rest of my life too. I had to wait until yesterday and today (Saturday) to initiate various paperwork, like the severance agreement, unemployment, Trade Act Agreement stuff, etc. So now begins another period of waiting and watching.

I am still trying to nail down what I want to do for the rest of my working life. I am leaning heavily toward Nursing school. I want to do something with my life that has some impact, and in which I can work with and help people.

I personally will be having hernia surgery on the 15th of this month, so stay posted as to the results of that procedure. This time, the surgeon is going to patch from the inside of the facia, and not on the outside. With my history of hernia problems (2 previous ones) he said it's time when go from the inside out. (Sounds like a song, huh?)

I got my bicycle fixed up with new tires, pedals, mirror, etc. and began riding again this week after about 4 years of not riding. It feels great, but the old butt is sore today. I will be posting a weekly exercise and weight loss chart for the "fun" of it too.


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