Friday, September 28, 2007

Week 1 in Review

Well, I've made it through the first week of nursing school! There are about 56 students, 6 of which are men, so we're definitely in the minority (for the first time in my life/careers). It's a lot of fun so far, and a lot of work.

The instructors are great too. I have Suzanne for my clinical instructor, and she is very knowledgeable, and lots of fun. I will be doing my clinicals at Good Sam in Corvallis. I've taken two quizzes so far, and done well on both, so I'm off to a good start. Staying ahead on my assignments, and generally feeling good about how things are going.

I do miss the nurses and others at SAGH, but I'll probably be stopping in there from time to time to say hello.

Please continue to pray for me and my family.

bye for now . . .


Friday, September 21, 2007

A Fond Farewell

I resigned my position at Samaritan Albany General Hospital, effective September 29, 2007. I did so with a tremendous amount of personal anguish, primarily due to the dozens of wonderful people that I've grown to know and admire over the past 9 months.

I am starting nursing school at LBCC on Monday, the 24th of September, and just didn't feel good about having one more thing on my plate to put my heart into (namely working in CCU).

So to all of you who have meant so much to me over the past 9 months, here goes:

(in alphabetic order): Amina, Angela, Anna, Barb, Brad, Carol, Charity, Cindy, Darcie, Dorothy, Gabi, Jennifer, Jeri, Karen, Karl, Kathy, Kelly, Kenya, Kirsten, Lanelle, Lisa, Lynn, Mel, Natalie, Phyllis, Regina, Sandie, Sharon, Sue, Susan, Tres, Wayne.

Lab Techs:
Amy, Shane, Stacy, Willy.

Respiratory Techs
: Bob, Julie, Kathy, Mary Jo, Shannon, Jay.

: Babe, Bentson, Clark, Karami, Kaye, May, Mulkey, Rafalski, Ray, Sherman, Zollinger.

If there is anyone that I have forgotten, it's not because you are insignificant, but because my memory is. I have grown and learned so much in the past 9 months, and my heart breaks to have to say goodbye to each of you for now. I appreciate the hours you spent with me, mentoring, correcting, praising, and helping me to become a better care-giver than when I first began.

It has been my great honor and privilege to work with each of you! Please read my blog during the next few weeks and months to stay in touch with my nursing school progress. I hope to see each of you again and very soon.

Blessings to all of you, always,


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