Friday, May 02, 2008

One Step Forward . . . Three Steps Back

Well friends, as good as last night was, today was just the opposite. It started out really well, and Jane asked to have another IV transfusion, so I started her at about 9:30am, and went out to have lunch with my kids and granddaughter. Got home about 11:00am.

Checked in on Jane and some dear friends, Tom and Terri had come over to pray with her. I left Jane with them, and the rest of us piled in the cars and drove to Oaklawn Cemetery, where my mom was buried about 15 years ago.

We've decided that Jane will be buried there. It was pretty tough on our son Matt; and kind of odd for the rest of us to be thinking about that while Jane is still here. But it's something that has to be done. It's really pretty there. We thought about cremation and scattering her ashes somewhere, but when it came down to it, we were faced with a dilemma about where we would "go" to visit her later, place flowers, remember her, etc.

So I called Oaklawn last week and found out that they give grave sites to Veterans (which I am) and so we thought that was pretty good. It's a nice place, in a quiet neighborhood, and well maintained. This whole thing is kind of strange.

When we got back, Jane asked me to discontinue the infusion, which I did. About an hour later, she was feeling poorly, and eventually got sick again. First time for us during daylight hours, so it's something new. She slept for a few hours afterward, and then by 6:30pm, she started to get sick again. Well, this is new. Twice in one day.

During the second session of being sick, Jane sat back in her chair and kind of looked away over my shoulder and said, "Ok." Then she looked at me and said, "I think it's going to be soon." I asked, "You mean soon now, or just soon?" She said, "Just soon."

She is resting well now. This evening after she had settled down, I got a basin of hot water, filled in with Epsom salts, and she soaked her feet while we watched "Across the Universe." Near the end of the movie she said, "I'm tired" so I took her to her chair in the bedroom, got her settled in, and said goodnight. I hope and pray that it is again this night.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Doug:
People know when they are going to die. My Father did, and he told me so, I gave him permission to go, and he was gone the next day. I asked him how does it feel to be dying, and he told me "wonderful." I had a near death experience when I was 39. I knew I was dying, and I had this great euphoric feeling of warmth and peace, and I was not afraid. However, God changed his mind, and I am still here. Because of this experience, I went into Nursing to pay God back for keeping me here. I hope the end for Jane is one of peace, warmth, and surrounded by all the love you and the family and friends have given her. I am going to my church today, and I will be putting Jane's name and your name in for healing and peace. Love and Prayers, Regina

May 3, 2008 at 7:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am praying that your faith can remain strong through this and the kids. Jane is an amazing woman. You have amazing strength to Doug and I pray God continues to give you that and peace in days ahead.
Debbi W.

May 3, 2008 at 11:04 AM  

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