Sunday, February 10, 2008

Late Breaking News

10:45 AM - Jane has been having pain in her lower back and right lung for about 4-5 days, and last night I listened to her lung sounds. The lower right lobe did not have any sounds, but she didn't want to go to the hospital last night.

So, here I am at work today, and I called home to find out she's in more pain. She had just called the Doctor, and he told her to go to the ER. She's there now having a chest XRay. I just felt compelled to enter this in my blog now, cause I can't do anything until I find out more.

If you read this today, please pray for Jane.

1:30 PM - Update. I called the ER and Jane said that she has pneumonia, and they are sending her home, so it's not too bad (at least not bad enough to be hospitalized). She'll be on antibiotics for awhile though, I'm sure. Praise God that it was not something more serious!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Doug and Jane:
I will keep the prayers going for both of you. Love, Regina

February 11, 2008 at 12:54 PM  
Blogger rosepua said...

Hey there. It's no longer yesterday, but I will be praying. Thanks for the posts. Glad Jane went in to get checked... Fun to see both the look-alike photo and the DD posts. Ha! Love yas, MA

February 11, 2008 at 8:49 PM  

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